server have been off, found the reason:
the server burned out
it was overheating from the servers, they made the pc work, wich caused heat wich caused boom!!
well, not boom!! but it has burn marks in the case
this is freeking f*ckin annoying!!!
i aint gonna risk another pc getting burnt...
in a month i'm buying a new pc for myself, and the 1 i'm using now will be server
people, i think i was pretty clear that, if you want normal W, post it here!!!
if there is any1 pm me for this, i will stop the free lfs server campaign!!!!!
servers are using patch w17!!
all host are running, i forgot to start 1
what server is yours?
just name, no login
if the http and ftp dont work, send the info about the server you got to me via pm
i have done all the things that are needed and i can still not set up lfs lapper,
any1 who is willing to help?
via ftp or so, that some1 can set everything up??
pm me